
Rich and Rich Co-op Advertising Network 12/20 by Desiree RN-BSN-MSN Candidate | Marketing

Rich and Rich Co-op Advertising Network 12/20 by Desiree RN-BSN-MSN Candidate | Marketing : Our affiliates now has their replicated shop on located with your shop name under stores. The new people we are still working on getting on the website. Everyone take a look and email thoughts or questions. You can use the network to promote your website and/or affiliate links. The site is currently free for affiliates and in the future it will become paid to help with advertising which is a huge part of our budget. Take some time to look at the YouTube video's I created for affiliates on YouTube at Monday Dec, 2021 we will have a Facebook live event on Facebook at at 12 pm central. We will be discussing how Co-op Advertising works for a business, blog, or social media. We will also discuss our affiliate program that is used for our affilia...

Avon Representative and Catalog Sales

Rich and Rich Homeopportunities L.L.C. is a digital marketing with dropshipping, direct selling, and merchant influencer eCommerce company. We advertise through our Blog Talk Radio Show, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Ning, and our website for our online marketing program. We also advertise and market offline with pamphlets and business cards to increase exposure to our website. We have loved Avon since high-school 33 years ago when my grandmother bought it for the family.

Free Shipping with orders over $25

We have new items in the store and some old favorites. We will be adding much more so check in frequently at

Rich and Rich Homeopportunities L L C 3


Rich and Rich Homeopportunities L L C


Blog Talk Radio 10.19.2021 Rich and Rich Homeopportunities L.L.C. affiliate marketing program

We have a new affiliate program for our stores.  You must join the program and you are able to earn commissions on your own purchases.  Our commission pay out is 10% of any sales made and the affiliate links must be placed on your own website.  Remember you can market on social media to increase your visibility.  If you don't have a website you can create a page on or market on  which allows you to invite people to your page and that site is marketed with Google ads by Rich and Rich Homeopportunities.  You are also allowed to have this as a business and if interested please send an email to or call our business at 414-465-2513.  For those who like writing.....  You can also send us a blurb (paragraph) about  your own business with your Rich and Rich Homeopportunities link you are promoting and we will add it to our Google Business pages.   https://partners.richandric...

Purse Day


YouTube Show On Co-op Advertising


Blog Talk Radio Show On Co-op Advertising

  The   Rich and Rich Homeopportunities  Blog Talk Radio show discussed the creation of our  Co-op Advertising Network . The purpose of this Network is to facilitate advertising that is affordable and assist business owners with their marketing and advertising efforts.  We will also as a network advertise on paid online and offline venues to increase exposure.   Rich and Rich Homeopportunities  will handle the marketing and advertising with the approval of network members.  We will also assist members who do not have a business that would like to start with affiliate marketing or other programs in the network.  The network is a paid membership network.  We will be doing a Facebook live event to continue to educate about the concept of Co-op Advertising on Aug 3, 2021, at .  The goal is to continue the education as the network expands and will include  YouTube ....

Rich and Rich Home Opportunities Banner Launch July 13, 2021

  Short video as part marketing and advertising for all my merchants and assurance that I will promote all the positives of being a business owner that is able to embrace affiliate marketing. Today on July 13, 2021, I hung my Rich and Rich Home Opportunities banner. The banner symbolizes the future and expanding opportunities of Rich and Rich Home Opportunities. As the CEO of the company, I will strive to bring in new customers with the assistance of partners and networking. The mission of Rich and Rich Home Opportunities is to advertise through our Blog Talk Radio Show, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Ning, blogging, and our website for our online marketing program and offline marketing. We invite individuals that want to share the stories that help them to be successful. We are offering advertising through Blog Talk Radio and our blogs with the goal of more advertising on both T.V. and in print. Contact us at desiree@richandrichhomeopportunities or call our business number...

Blog Talk Radio June 10, 2021 Blogging and Article Marketing

    Our Blog Talk Episode will discuss blogging and article marketing. We will discuss how to get creative content and also the importance of consistency with your blogging and article marketing. For further information on anything that is discussed please visit our blog at or . We will have a summary of the episode posted on the blog and Youtube Remember you can listen at your leisure or live. We will start having interviews that will be broadcasted here and we welcome anyone who would like an interview to showcase their business or products. We are on Google also and we market and advertise both online and offline. Please call us at 414-465-2513 or you can visit the website and feel our contact information. Please remember if you are struggling with debt to call 877-370-3974 for your free debt consultation from Monday-Friday 8 am - 9 pm eastern standard and Saturdays f...

Blog Talk Radio Summary 6.4.21

    Today on Blog Talk Radio , we're going to be talking about website design. We're going to be talking also about Co-op advertising and we're going to be talking about a couple of other things to include downloadable content and this segment we are going to actually feature representatives for Avon. And the reason that we want to go ahead and feature Avon is that they are actually celebrating their 135th birthday. They've been around for a hundred and thirty-five years! So for those of us who have grown up with our parents or grandparents who bought Avon and who are still buying Avon, it is still a viable business. For those who would like to have a home business and any business, it's going to be what you make of it to be successful. The more effort that you put into your business, then the better it is for your growth financially. We want to emphasize to individuals is to always be focusing on marketing and advertising. One of the things that we can do with ...

Stella & Dot Blog Talk Radio May 28 ,2021

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.   Stella & Dot has both an affiliate program and also a Stella & Dot Ambassador to promote and sell their jewelry. In order to be an affiliate you have to join , to earn commissions. You can then promote your link or banner on your blog or website. You can asks sites about advertising rates, A great tool that you may not know about is the Create Custom Link tool in ShareASale. This tool allows you to easily create an affiliate link to any page on the Stella & Dot website in just a few steps. You can find this tool in the tab next to Datafeed Products. Also, be sure to read our newsletters that have the latest affiliate promotions. This is the best place to find the most up to date news and deals from Stella & Dot! How to Create a Custom Link: 1) Click on Create a Custom Link 2) Enter the Destination URL of the Stella & Dot page wher...

Blog Talk Radio Show May 26, 2021

          I always complete a summary of the show for everyone that missed the show or that missed information during the show. We focused on starting and building a business. We also discussed being an affiliate marketer for Shareasale and promote Stella&Dot, Stylwe, and Cents of Style. I am an Avon representative and Fifth Avenue Jeweler representative. I enjoy affiliate marketing and have been an SFI affiliate for years. There is also Commission Junction which is also a favorite of mine and I market Blue Host website hosting and domains with Commission Junction. My company is Rich and Rich Home Opportunities which is primarily for marketing and advertising. The goal and mission are to help others who desire a business or who would like to coach and help others with the business techniques that they have acquired. Rich and Rich Home Opportunities encourage business ownership. If you do not have a business at this time, I would encourage you to joi...

Blog Talk Radio Show Summary 5.20.2021

  Blogging is a good way to get a personal interest in front of others to enjoy or to provoke a feeling or emotion. Blogging can allow for creative expression and depending on your work ethics, can also be beautifully designed. Google Blogger and WordPress are platforms that beginners and those who are advanced can promote ideas, merchants, products, and more. Blogging should be completed with fresh original content and should be done regularly to keep your audience interested and have the desire to return to your blog or website. Try to write your content by composing in email or make a Microsoft word document that is dated with your post title so that you have a record in case a website or blog is no longer available. You want to always have your content to be able to recreate or update. You can also post via email with Blogger of WordPress with the email you have established for posting within your blog site and set emails to draft copies so that you can check for typos...

Blog Talk Radio Show Thursday May 20th, 2021

  Utilizing Blogspot for blogging has been one of the best things I have done for my Rich and Rich Homeopportunities business. Blogging allows you to keep your content up-to-date. Topics that interest you are the most simplistic ways to keep your blog interesting. Blogspot allows you to also monetize your blog or website directly in your Google search console with your publisher ID when you all ads to be run by Adverse. You can also run ads on WordPress blogs and with a great design. I like Studiopress to really keep the blog appealing. The writing is enjoyable and relaxing. Keep the content original and blog daily when possible because it will pay off in the long run. Rich and Rich Homeopportunities utilizes WordPress, Blogspot, and personal websites to stay current on entrepreneurship with a viable business and reputable advertising and marketing. The content can be sent to your blog via email also. Tune into my Blog Talk For More Info
  I remember the first time that I saw one of my co-workers wearing a necklace by Stella & Dot. I was so impressed by her necklace that I fell hand over heels in love with jewelry and accessories back in 2011. It is now 2021 and even through a Pandemic, I have been able to purchase some very beautiful and unique pieces of jewelry. My co-worker at that time was a Stella & Dot jewelry saleswoman. She inspired me to advertise and market jewelry that is appealing and would add more beauty and quality to my wardrobe. I also respect Stella & Dot for allowing individual sales by people that also wore their jewelry and made personal purchases for themselves and their loved ones. Individuals were fostered to own a reputable and viable business. I am grateful to be able to still admire the company years later. Jewelry continues to be popular and can add a wonderful addition as an income or simply to enjoy the simplicity and technique involved to create a unique addition to any wa...

Email Signup For Rich and Rich Home Opportunities

    EMAIL SIGNUP FOR MORE NEWS Rich and Rich Home Opportunities is a blogging and affiliate marketing website.  We advertise through our Blog Talk Radio Show, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Ning, and our website for our online marketing program.  We also advertise and market offline with pamphlets and business cards to increase exposure to our website.  We maintain a tax EIN for our offline marketing and will always ensure that merchants are getting maximum exposure.  Desiree Sims is the CEO and she is currently a baccalaureate-prepared nurse with 20 years of education and leadership qualities.  Rich and Rich Home Opportunities does not participate in any keyword or pay-per-click bidding because we want to attract quality merchants and maintain our reputation and work ethic. In this segment, we will discuss blogging with bloggers.  Here is my blog  Rich and Rich Home Opportunities .  I also welcome hosting a show for serious entrepreneurs...
    EMAIL SIGNUP FOR MORE NEWS Rich and Rich Home Opportunities is a blogging and affiliate marketing website.  We advertise through our Blog Talk Radio Show, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Ning, and our website for our online marketing program.  We also advertise and market offline with pamphlets and business cards to increase exposure to our website.  We maintain a tax EIN for our offline marketing and will always ensure that merchants are getting maximum exposure.  Desiree Sims is the CEO and she is currently a baccalaureate-prepared nurse with 20 years of education and leadership qualities.  Rich and Rich Home Opportunities does not participate in any keyword or pay-per-click bidding because we want to attract quality merchants and maintain our reputation and work ethic. In this segment, we will discuss blogging with bloggers.  Here is my blog  Rich and Rich Home Opportunities .  I also welcome hosting a show for serious entrepreneurs ...

17 Places To Place Your Business Cards

Today I am submitting my blog posts to search engines and other directories.  Yesterday I discussed using Merchant Warehouse to process credit cards.  It is equally as important to promote your website online and offline.  Submitting to search engines is a great way to promote online and to get people (traffic) to your site.  To promote offline, I will be using my new business cards which I am excited to have designed. I also got my business cards from Vista print on Saturday (Whooaa).  I will be placing my business cards everywhere.  Here is a list of 17 places to place your business cards. 1.  Bus 2.  Train 3.  Taxi 4.  Bank 5.  Offices 6.  Conference rooms 7.  Waiting areas 8.  Gas stations near the gas pump! 9.  Sandwich shops 10. Restaurants 11. Daycares 12. Hospitals 13. Carry some tape to place your business cards where there is a lot of foot traffic 14. Place in ...

Linda Eastman Motivational

Linda Ellis Eastman is CEO & Founder of The Professional Woman Network (PWN), an international consulting organization on women’s issues. She has certified over 3,400 individuals from 18 countries to present the PWN women’s empowerment seminars including Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Bermuda, The Bahamas, Malaysia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Panama. Linda Eastman she is a motivational consultant.  I went to one of her courses and it was worth every penny. Thinking about her today gave me motivation to continue working on my Independent Jeweller business.  Seminars and topics offered : Train-the-Trainer Women’s Issues Certification Women’s Wellness Certification Save Our Youth Certification The PWN Coaching Certification Customer Service & Professionalism Certification Professional Presentation Skills Certification Branding & Image Certification Additional Services : International Coach-the-Coach ...
