17 Places To Place Your Business Cards
Today I am submitting my blog posts to search engines and other directories. Yesterday I discussed using Merchant Warehouse to process credit cards. It is equally as important to promote your website online and offline. Submitting to search engines is a great way to promote online and to get people (traffic) to your site. To promote offline, I will be using my new business cards which I am excited to have designed. I also got my business cards from Vista print on Saturday (Whooaa). I will be placing my business cards everywhere. Here is a list of 17 places to place your business cards. 1. Bus 2. Train 3. Taxi 4. Bank 5. Offices 6. Conference rooms 7. Waiting areas 8. Gas stations near the gas pump! 9. Sandwich shops 10. Restaurants 11. Daycares 12. Hospitals 13. Carry some tape to place your business cards where there is a lot of foot traffic 14. Place in ...